Did you know it is currently LEGAL in New South Wales
for a 16-year-old to get their nipples or genitals pierced?

The “Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157” states:
230A (2) A person must not perform body piercing on any part of—
(a) the genitalia of a child, or
(b) the nipples of a child.
Because the law defines a “child” as someone under 16, this means that 16 and 17-year-olds can legally undergo genital and nipple piercings.
This is a serious concern. Intimate piercings on minors raise issues around consent, maturity, and the duty of care owed to young people. While professional piercers and ethical studios refuse to perform these procedures on under-18s, some exploit this legal loophole to profit, putting vulnerable young people at risk.
Help Us Protect Young People
Intimate Piercing Ages
NSW is the ONLY state in Australia where intimate piercings are legal for 16 and 17-year-olds. Every other state, the minimum age is 18:
Note: there is no specific legislation regarding intimate piercings in the ACT and NT.
Aligning NSW
In NSW, since “child” refers to those under 16, 16– and 17-year-olds can get genital and nipple piercings.
Allowing minors to get intimate piercings raises concerns about consent, autonomy, and the role of health and regulatory systems protecting them.
While professionals condemn these practices, business owners may exploit legal loopholes for profit, disregarding clients’ well-being.
Our Proposed Amendment

The Australasian United Professional Piercers (AUPP) is calling for a change to the law. We work closely with government bodies to ensure the highest standards of health and safety in body piercing. We are asking the NSW Government to raise the legal minimum age for nipple and genital piercings to 18.
Amend the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 to prohibit intimate piercings for young persons.
A definition already in place in the act states:
Young person: “a person who is aged 16 years or above but who is under the age of 18 years.”
This is our proposed wording, which should rectify the issue:
A person must not perform body piercing on any part of—
(a) the genitalia of a child or young person, or
(b) the nipples of a child or young person.
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