The AUPP’s Professional Practitioner requirements are based on standards established by the professional industry to ensure the safest procedures for practitioners and clients.
Table of Contents
Ethical Requirements
- No piercing guns are used in the studio (including mechanical, spring-loaded, or hand pressure systems)
- Does not offer nipple or genital piercing services (including piercings, jewellery changeovers, and consultations) for clients under the age of 18
- Does not pierce clients under the age of 16 without the consent of a parent or legal guardian
- Does not pierce clients who are unable to give informed consent (ie, no infants, toddlers, or intoxicated/drug-affected individuals)
- Gives written and verbal aftercare instructions for piercing procedures.
- Requires completed release forms and sight/records ID before every piercing procedure
- If the procedure room is used for services other than piercing, it must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before use for any piercing services
Training Requirements
- Agrees they understand correct hand hygiene techniques
- Holds valid Blood-borne Pathogens (BBP) training certificate
- Holds valid, accredited First Aid & CPR certificates:
- Australia: HLTAID011, HLTAID010 & HLTAID009
- New Zealand: NZQA 6400, 6401 & 6402
- Holds valid any government-required certifications or licenses (if applicable)
Procedure Requirements
- Uses single-use, non-latex gloves when performing piercing services
- Uses sterile, single-use, non-latex gloves for piercing procedures
- Uses an aseptic, single-use set-up for piercing procedures, eg:
- suitable skin prep (individually packaged recommended)
- aseptic drape and or a visual identifying prep (such as iodine)
- marking implements (single-use pen is recommended)
- Post-piercing cleaning (sterile wipe/gauze recommended)
- Uses mask and beard net (if applicable) for every piercing procedure with potential bodily fluid risk
Environmental Requirements
- Completely separate, walled (floor to minimum 2.4m height) procedure room with a door/doors. (Curtains are not accepted as dividers/separators)
- Completely sealed, non-porous flooring in the procedure room, with the intersection between floors and walls covered by continuous skirting
- Non-porous fixings/curtains/decorations in the procedure room
- Appropriately sized HEPA air filter or other air purification system for the procedure room
- Dedicated, warm hand washing facilities within direct access of each procedure room (inside room with foot or motion controlled is suggested)
- Hand-washing instructions are displayed at all hand-washing facilities
- Liquid hand soap dispenser(s) at all hand-washing facilities
- Single-handed or hands-free paper towel dispenser/hand dryer at all hand washing facilities
- A clearly labelled, secured sharps disposal container with direct, hands-free access in each procedure room (wall mounted is suggested)
- A clearly labelled, biohazardous waste container with a hands-free lid and direct, hands-free access in each procedure room
- Single-use, non-latex gloves are used at jewellery displays/counters for handling jewellery
Sterility/Reprocessing Requirements
- Uses a steam-under-pressure autoclave with a class B or S cycle that is compliant with current national standards
- Practices a minimum of one of the following tests for all actively used sterilisers:
- Daily helix tests with the use of class 6 indicators
- Weekly in-house spore testing
- Monthly third-party spore testing
If reprocessing contaminated equipment:
- Uses an automated washer or covered ultrasonic compliant with current national standards
- A clearly labelled, designated, appropriate container to store contaminated items before reprocessing
- Dedicated enclosed sterilisation area with door/doors and appropriately sized HEPA air filter or other air purification system
- Completely sealed, non-porous flooring in the reprocessing room, with the intersection between floors and walls covered by continuous skirting
- Enclosed, non-porous containers for storage of all piercing implements.
- Uses PPE for manual tool reprocessing, including:
- Disposable gloves
- Disposable apron
- Disposable arm sleeves
- Disposable mouth protection
- Eye protection (disposable mask with eye shield suggested)
- Uses a steam-under-pressure autoclave with a class B or S cycle that is compliant with current national standards
Jewellery Requirements
- No wearable parts of jewellery sold or installed at the studio are made of the following materials:
- Acrylic or PMMA
- Rubber
- Non-bioinert silicone
- All items sold or installed at the studio must not have external tapping (including step-down style threading)
- All jewellery installed into fresh and healing piercings within the studio must meet the following minimum requirements:
- All threaded or press-fit jewellery must have internal tapping (no threads on the exterior of posts and barbells)
- Have smooth surfaces and ends and must be free of nicks, scratches, burrs, and polishing compounds. Metals must have a consistent mirror finish on surfaces that frequently come into tissue contact
- No seam, hinge, join, or hallmark may pass through the piercing channel
- All jewellery installed into fresh and healing piercings within the studio must meet the following minimum material requirements:
- Any and all materials that meet ASTM and/or ISO standards for implantation. Examples of these include, but are not limited to:
- Steel that is ASTM F138 compliant or ISO 5832-1 compliant
- Steel that is ISO 10993-6, 10993-10 and/or 10993-11 compliant
- Unalloyed titanium that is ASTM F67 or ISO 5832-2 compliant
- Alloyed Titanium (Ti6Al4V ELI) that is ASTM F136 compliant or ISO 5832-3 compliant
- Alloyed Titanium (Ti6Al7Nb ELI) that is ASTM F1295 compliant or ISO 5832-11 compliant
- Solid 14 karat or higher yellow, white, or rose gold that is nickel and cadmium-free. Gold jewellery used for initial piercing may not be:
- Plated, unless using materials approved by this standard over solid 14 karat or higher yellow, white, or rose gold that is nickel and cadmium-free
- Gold-filled
- Gold overlay/vermeil
- Solid unalloyed or alloyed platinum that is nickel and cadmium free.
- Unalloyed Niobium (Nb) that is ASTM B392 compliant. This includes but is not limited to:
- commercial grade 2 Niobium
- commercial grade 4 Niobium that contains 1% Zirconium
- Glass that is lead-free. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Fused quartz
- Borosilicate
- Soda-lime
- Be ASTM F2999 compliant (for people over 12 years of age) or ASTM F2923 (for people under 12 years of age)
- Any and all materials that meet ASTM and/or ISO standards for implantation. Examples of these include, but are not limited to: